One beginner website to start your 'China sourcing' journey on.
You just began your mini-importation journey but you don't know where to source your goods from? We've got you!
We understand that your biggest headache as a beginner in mini-importation is where to get your first goods from. So, we've got a couple of reliable cues for you.
You see, while a lot of sources would suggest 1688 as the best platform for you to begin your mini-importation journey, we’ll advise you to start with Alibaba.
Why Alibaba?
First, Alibaba uses English as its default language both on its app and website. That saves you the stress of translating an entire website or app from Chinese to English.
Taking out the language barrier would make it easy for you to navigate both the website and the app as well as start conversations with suppliers without having to heavily rely on translators.
Secondly, you don't have to get cold feet over shipping costs on Alibaba. Why?
You can always ship your goods to your freight forwarder right there in China and end up not spending too much on shipping fees.
Meanwhile, you should not forget to open your mind to possible discounts from some suppliers and stay open for negotiations just as you ensure to thread with care regarding the supplier you finally decide to buy from.
Stick around, we'll bring you more tips to help you run your e-commerce business with ease.
We're Midddleman. Your e-commerce business partner.